Is Freedom of Speech Really Free?

In a recent news articles posted by the First Amendment Coalition, Donal Brown describes how the Federal Appeals Court ruled that the developers of a popular online game called RuneScape did not at all violate the first amendment by limiting in-game communication for players who have violated the game's Terms and Conditions.
One player who was affected by this is Amro Elansari. He claims that the game developers violated his First Amendment right by restricting his communications on their platforms. However, the supreme court made it very clear that that was not the case. The thing about a game like RuneScape is that one signs up to play, he/she must first agree to the game's terms and conditions. RuneScape, like most games, is privately owned which means that it gets to set its own regulations and restrictions. 
The first amendment only protects freedom of speech in public settings, however when an agreement must be made to join a private online server, all must comply with those rules.
